It’s time for another installment of TEACHER FUNNIES!

I think parent relations have to be one of the hardest parts of being a teacher.  Those little cherubs go home and tell their parents a (stretched and twisted) story from the day and next thing you know, you’ve got an irate mama/papa bear on your hands who gently needs to have the true story explained. Thank goodness there are parents in the world who actually support and work with teachers, but in reference to those who don’t:


Here are some things parents have actually said to me at these requested special meetings:

“You HAVE to let my child go to the bathroom whenever he asks.”  (a child with no medical problems who loved to skip out on class for extended periods of time 5-6 times a day)

“Well, you’re just going to have to check my child’s backpack everyday because otherwise you’ll never get any work from him.”

“I want you to go out to the playground and see who my child is making friends with.”

“You know the challenge homework you’re sending home” (that I come in on Saturdays to put together) “…well, it’s just not challenging enough for my son.”

“My son was really mad because C put a piece of paper on his desk.”

“I’m here to get the plastic Easter egg you took from my daughter today.”  (Hmm, I’m thinking if my kid had been messing with an Easter egg in class and the teacher took it away…it would just be gone for good.)

It’s amazing there is any time to teach at all between all of these shenanigans.

Do everybody’s students do this or is it just mine?  I grab a tissue turn away from the group to blow my nose and before I’m even done mopping up my snot, someone is a foot from my face asking me a question.  Just give me a second!  Geeze!
I’m not familiar with behavior contracts but I hear other teachers talking about them and it sounds pretty bad to me:
I put him on a behavior contract, so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious

Have a great day!

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Hannah Braun
Hannah Braun
Hannah Braun is a former teacher with 8 years of experience in the classroom and a master's degree in early childhood education. She designs engaging, organized classroom resources for 1st-3rd grade teachers.