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Monday Made It: February

It’s time for Monday Made It with 4th Grade Frolics! Have you heard of “The Progressions” for Common Core math?  I went to a workshop a while ago and the presenter said The Progressions is like a Common Core math bible!  I thought, why was I never given a copy or a link to this…


When I teach measurement I always wonder how kids make it so dang difficult! “Mrs. Braun, I measured my desk and it’s 2 inches long!”  …..wait, WHAT!?!  Every year I have taught, I encounter a kid who finds a different way to measure incorrectly.  After a while it starts to get humorous!  I’ve found that…

Noodles and Cups

One of my favorite activities for starting the year in 2nd grade is counting to 1000.  Imagine this classroom scene – Instructions have been given, materials have been passed out, and everyone is working silently…at least for a few minutes!  I know when I have those rare moments in class that I have found an…

Choosing the Best Math Strategy

Improve math fact fluency for addition and subtraction by teaching first and second graders how to choose the best math strategy for a fact.   Matching Strategies to Equations Problem: I’ve taught my students lots of math fact strategies but how do I get them to put those strategies to use?!? Solution: Learning HOW to…