**Easily accessible to students and parents– pictures and audio clips teach the sounds
**Saves you time – copy the activities into your Google drive and assign in Google classroom
**Ensure mastery – more than one sort for each skill for multiple practice opportunities
**Differentiate – optional challenge words on most slides
**Meet student needs – assessment included so you know what skills students need
**Uses research-based strategies – word sorting, practice with word families, explicit phonics instruction
-PDF with links to 83 word sorts. You will be prompted to make a copy into your own Google drive
Bonus Material
-Link to a demo video, share to students and parents to easily explain the activity
-Spelling assessment, both a printable and Google version with recorded words
-Student data sheets to plan next steps in spelling and monitor growth
-Teacher guide for using spelling assessment data
-Multiple sorts for each skill
Skills Covered:
-short vowels
-glued sounds (all, ell, ill, ull, ank, ink, unk, ang, ing, ong, ung)
-VCe patterns (a_e, i_e, o_e, u_e)
-R controlled vowels (ar, er, ir, or, ur)
-other long vowel patterns (ai, ay, ea, ee, igh, ie, oa, ow, ui, ew, oo)
-diphthongs (au/aw, oi/oy, ou/ow)
-other advanced patterns (silent letters, soft c/g, tion, etc.)
-syllable patterns
**The resource is for personal and single classroom use only.
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