You make your mark on the world through teaching.

Not many know about the countless hours and the thought you put into your instruction, but your students deserve it.

I see you, and I can make it easier!

I’m Hannah and I help discerning elementary teachers amplify their impact with carefully-tailored activities.

About Me

Why is the website called The Classroom Key?

Ready to simplify your planning?

Get a free close reading plan page that works with any text!


  1. Hello. Thought I’d let you know that I received at least 6 emails from you in a different language yesterday. I clicked on the link to your blog and it was still in another language.

    • Hi Alba,
      So sorry about that! I was trying to put a template on my blog and there was some “dummy content” that came with it so it automatically kicked out several gibberish blog posts to my followers. I’ve got it straightened out now. Thanks for looking out for me!


  2. Hi! I’m a 7th grade Humanities teacher, and believe it or not, these resources are a huge help. Thank you!
    I wanted to ask about the close reading chart. When you say in your blog entry that you ask text-dependent questions, do you mean on a separate page, following up from the strategy that they focused on during that round of reading? Or do you just mean a short-answer question like, “What is the main idea?”
    Sorry–I’m new to this!
    Ms. L

    • Hi Ms. L!
      The term “text-dependent questions” just means that kids would need to use the text they had just read in order to answer the questions. Sometimes we ask kids comprehension questions where they’re mostly pulling from their own experience or ideas. For example, if kids had just read a text about living in the Artic and then were asked the question, “Would you like living in the Arctic?” They could probably answer that question without having read the text. There is a time and a place for those kinds of questions but in close reading it’s more about what is actually on the page. Your example of the main idea question is definitely text dependent. Other examples would be things like “What text structure does the author use in this piece?” or “What three artifacts did the scientists find?” You could even ask a question like, “Did this text change how you feel about eating meat? Why or why not?” In that case, the student is tapping into their own opinion/ideas but they should still be able to go back into the text and point to something that confirmed or changed their thinking. I find the question-answer-relationship model helpful for coming up with questions. The first three question types listed are text-dependent:

      When I did close reading with second graders we verbally discussed the questions and answers as a group. You could have students write answers. Whatever is most appropriate for your students.

      Hope that helps 🙂


  3. Hi Hannah,
    I teach in a French Immersion school and I LOVE your reading skills posters. Unfortunately, it would be much better for my school if it was in French. Would it be possible for me to have permission to edit the poster text to make it French? Or is there an easier way to do this?


  4. Hi Hannah
    I was excited at the thought of being able to purchase your Reading Comprehension Graphic Organizers, but I can’t find them anywhere… 🙁

  5. HI Hannah: I would like to use your “9 Research Based Instructional Strategies” Freebie as part of my PD presentation to K-5 teachers on Monday. It will not be posted on the internet, but I am sharing the link to my presentation which is accessed via Google Drive… would this be ok? LOVE your work 🙂

  6. Hi, I run a small DIY Tutoring Facebook page and was wondering if you would allow me to share your ‘How to Teach a Child to Read : The Ultimate Guide Visual’ on my Facebook page. Of course I would credit you and would also love to insert the link –
    Look forward to hearing from you.

  7. Dear Hannah,
    Are translation rights available for European countries for your book: Learn to Read for Kids with Dyslexia: 101 Games and Activities to Teach Your Child to Read?
    If yes, please contact me via email.
    Kind regards,
    Anita Ordog

  8. Hi Hannah,

    I have just read your article “The 4 Faces of Misbehavior and What They’re Trying to Tell You”, and wanted to bring to your attention that this is not in line with current research and available information on what we understand about child behavior.

    My background is in psychology and behavioral science and I would be glad to share some updated and accurate information with you regarding understand child behavior as well as how professionals, including teachers, can respond in ways that are respectful to all and proven effective.

    Thank you,

  9. Thank you for making these fun worksheets in a download. I teach in an international school in Tirana, Albania, and, although the students understand a lot and can pick their way successfully through a MAP test, they don’t know grammar. I needed something I could print here and use right away. They don’t know comparative, superlative. They don’t know subjects and predicates. Aaaahhhh! I added this class to my schedule when an English teacher left in September and I am realizing what holes these kids have in their knowledge of English. Most are Albanian.
    Nancy Johnson

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